The rest of the week has been fine. It's been awkward still at work but I really don't talk about leaving and no one really talks about it with me. The head teller has made some stupid comments about it, but you know what, she's kind of a loser. And as much as this sounds mean, I don't want my life to be like hers. High school was like the pinnacle point of her life, she talks about it all the time, and frankly, it annoys me very much. I graduated six years ago from high school and I barely even talk about it. I really don't want to sound bitchy, but again, I'm happy that I only have four days left at Banknorth.
It's been a little lonely here in Marlborough. Well, I just really miss my family and friends in Louisville, although sometimes, I don't even know how true some of my friends are there. I miss having at least one good friend here to talk to about stuff with. I can always can Abby and that is great, but she is across the country, and that makes things difficult.
So, this weekend, Brian and I didn't do too much. I worked from 8:30 until 6:30 on Friday and we had some great barbeque for lunch. Then, I came home, Brian and I ate leftovers, and I went to bed early because I had to work the next day. Saturday, I worked, went to the grocery store, and came home. Although it wasn't really that warm, Brian and I went to take a walk by a reservoir a few miles from our apartment. When the days get a little warmer, we'll go into the city and do some fun stuff there. I made risotto for the first time for dinner (and it turned out great; I can't wait to make more), and Brian made some steaks (which were okay, a little overdone, we haven't quite perfected that yet). Other than that, it was kind of boring. I rolled coins from our coin jar ($36!) and we watched SNL with Peyton Manning.
Today, I really wanted to go out for breakfast but we didn't end up going anywhere. I did watch "The Way We Were" with Barbra Streisand (great song, okay film), and went to the gym. I was on the elliptical for forty minutes, did the rowing machine for just two minutes, and walked for ten. I weighed myself, but we won't go there. I don't really think of myself as fat; yes, I guess I could lose some weight, but I don't really eat a lot of junk and at least I do exercise a few times a week. Plus, I drink a lot of water, I don't consume very much alcohol, and I don't smoke cigarettes.
I haven't been to the mall in over a month, so Brian and I went to a mall in Natick, which is absolutely a monstrosity. It is being renovated, they are building a bunch of new stores, etc. and it is just crazy. We drove around twice trying to find the entrance. We went into Crate and Barrel and Williams Sonoma and I pined for all the great kitchenware, especially the Kitchen Aid mixing bowl in sage green for $299. Yikes. I won't be getting that for awhile. Although I am getting an extra $2000 on my taxes because an education credit from last semester. But that will be going towards new glasses, a new computer battery, paying back loans, and possibly a passport, well, just because someday I may need it.
Of course, we went into Sephora (there are two at that mall!), and I bought Frozen lemon custard shower gel. It is very light and summery. I also bought a few car air fresheners and a Brazillian passion fruit candle (a small one) at Yankee candle. Because of a $10 gift card I received at work the other day, I only spent $15 at the mall; I was very, very good. There were some cute shirts at Banana Republic, but nothing really looked good on me (or was a little too expensive), so I decided not to buy anything.
Tonight, we're having dinner with my future in-laws. Well, I'm not exactly sure of that yet.
Happy Birthday to my stepfather, Walt! My mom took him to see Wynonna Judd and the Louisville symphony last night and they had a great time...
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