Today is New Year's Day and I cannot help thinking about that U2 song of the same name. I want to recap the time just before Christmas and then I will move on to the present. On December 23rd, Brian and I drove down to Louisville for Christmas. We drove from 7:30 am until 10:30 pm. I didn't sleep the night before (except for like an hour) and I had to drive the first shift. However, we made it without any problems (there were more to come later on in the trip). That night, we stayed at Jason's house. On Sunday, I went over to visit my grandfather, had lunch with my brother at Baja, and then shopped a little before getting ready for the Christmas Eve party at my Aunt Diane's. It's always a fun and lively affair, but I never end up talking to everyone. I went over and visited with Brian and Jason later that evening and we watched "Maximum Overdrive," a very silly Stephen King movie. On Christmas Day, we opened presents at Grandad's. I got some wonderful gifts, as did everyone else. Then, Brian and I drove over to Patty's for brunch. However, I had a problem with my car on the way there. The rear brake cylinder blew and all of the brake fluid leaked out of the car; I had the cylinder replaced and new shoe horns put on the next day, but I was still upset about the whole incident. Fords are just not the best cars. On Christmas night, we all had a wonderful home-cooked meal made by my mom at Eliot's house. Eliot, Graham, Sarah, Mom, Walt, Mel, Mike, Yvonne, Danny and their kids were there, too. We watched old home movies that my grandfather taped a long time ago of the three kids. They made me nostalgic, especially for my grandma. It was a wonderful treat for the holiday.
On Tuesday, Brian and I went downtown with my mom to have lunch with Graham and Eliot. I got a haircut that day and later that night, I ate at Qdoba with Marianne, Katherine, Eric, William, and Molly and then we saw "The Holiday" at Stonybrook. Hooray for cute, sappy movies! And of course, I love seeing my old friends. On Tuesday night, I didn't get enough sleep (of course; this is totally a terrible problem which I hope ends in 2007), and I definitely had a full day on Wednesday. Seriously, I had four social dates with old friends-- morning coffee with Emmy, lunch at Havana Rumba with Jeff, dinner with my Stock Yards girls, Lindsey, Steph, and Natalie, and drinks with Phil, Kyla, Brian, Celeste, etc. So, it was certainly crazy. I feel bad when I can't spend more time with my friends, but since I was in KY for just a few days, I had to use my time wisely.
We drove back to Massachusetts on Thursday, listening to Dire Straits, the Alan Parsons Project, and other bands on the way back. Leaving my home made me realize how much I have missed Louisville and everyone there. Honestly, it is just not the same here. I still do not know a lot of people and the life that I am missing there makes me so sad. I thought I wanted graduate school and a big city so much, and it turns out, I guess I was happier at home.
On Friday and Saturday I worked and Brian went back to his gigs at Perennials in Sturbridge. We got little Morgan (the cat) back from Brian's parents; I missed her more than anything else here in Mass. Yesterday, we drove to Manchester, Vermont, for New Year's Eve to an historic inn called the Wilburton. It was beautiful amidst the snow and mountains of Vermont. Although it did remind me a bit of "The Shining." However, no hedge animals came alive the entire time. Brian played in a ten-piece band for a New Year's party. His compensation was a night's stay at the inn, dinner, breakfast, and drinks, and $200. And I got to come along, so I was happy. I have been sick lately though and my throat has constantly felt bad. I hung out with one of the backup singer's girlfriends, danced a little, and took a short nap before midnight. The band played until one and then Brian and I hung out with some people until 3:30. The next day, we ate a fabulous breakfast, shopped in town at outlets, and then went to the Yankee Candle Village in Deerfield, Mass. before heading home. And we had a fabulous New Year. I hope that 2007 is a prosperous year that brings peace and our men home from the Middle East. Personally, I hope that I can figure out what I want to do with my life, gain self-confidence and be satisfied with my personal relationships with people. And I do hope that I can be an adult...