I have two new obsessions; unfortunately, they both have to do with television. The less important one is my new-found love of watching reruns of the old "Beverly Hills 90210" on Soapnet. I didn't even know we had Soapnet until last week. At my babysitting job, I haven't been doing much after the kids get their homework done, so I take advantage of the family's satellite TV and now I am immersed in the world of Dylan's bed hopping, Steve's mullet, Brenda's bad French accent, and Andrea's zealous love of journalism and Brandon Walsh. Not to mention David's synthesizer "skillz," Donna's virginity woes, Kelly's perfection (almost), and the omniscient advice of Cindy and Jim Walsh. Great show. I haven't watched the reincarnation, but I don't believe it would live up the award-winning caliber of the original show.
Anyway, my other obsession is with Gillian McKeith and her show on BBC America called "You Are What you Eat".
She practices holistic health and believes in eating a lot of fruits, veg (vegetables), seeds and nuts, and oily fish. Basically, everything that is natural and good for you and what you should be eating. The format in the half hour show is that she will have a food junkie who is eating a terrible diet and will reform them for eight weeks with a kind of detox plan as well as exercise. It is quite wonderful and if I had the time, my hope is to have this kind of natural and diverse food on the table every night. I also feel like my diet is not very colorful; I should be eating more green, red, purple foods, etc. However, today I went to the grocery store and bought several good foods-- tomatoes, red pears, bananas, acorn squash, raw pumpkin seeds, and carrots. Anyway, Mrs. McKeith has a couple of books that I really want to buy for healthier eating habits.
Speaking of babysitting, I am going to be giving my notice to quit next week. The hours have been too long during the week and I haven't been able to spend very much time with my husband. I miss cooking for Brian (see above paragraph on healthier foods), going to the gym, and just having free time during the week. Plus, I am going to start singing at a Lutheran church for a small compensation. Very excited about this. I think that my employer will be upset but it is my decision.
Tomorrow, I'm going to a little place called Salem with friends. It can be very touristy in the fall, but it has a very cool ambiance this time of year. We may go to a house museum and a graveyard. I'll always enjoy day trips with friends.
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