Saturday, December 20, 2008

Frosted windowpanes, candles gleaming inside, painted candy canes on the tree, just look and you'll see

What a beautiful morning to wake up to today! We have about 10-12 inches of snow on the ground, we don't have anywhere to be (except a work Christmas party tonight), and the apartment is quite warm. What more can one ask for? Well, I am awake early, per usual, and am just sitting around typing away and watching All I Want for Christmas, a sappy 1990's Christmas film, on TV.

Due to a power outage from the crazy ice storm we had on Dec. 11th and bad weather forecasted for yesterday, we only had three and a half days of school last week. This week, we only have one and a half days of school; personally, I don't even think we should go because it leaves so little time to go home for Christmas. Brian and I (and possibly Geralyn?) are leaving on Tuesday at 4 pm and we have to make it to Louisville for the Christmas Eve family party at 5:30. I guess we'll be driving all night and I am praying that the weather is decent for the long trip, but so far, it looks good for Tuesday.

Gift giving. I've spent too much on presents this year again. However, I feel like I haven't done much giving to charities or volunteering this year and that makes me feel quite guilty. Also, at the end of the year, there is this time of reflection. What have I done this year that I am proud of? Let's see, there are probably only three significant things-- 1) I was married to Brian, 2) I changed my career to something that I enjoy, even though I took a pay cut, and 3) I became an aunt (and that really wasn't something I personally did). Other than that, I am not so sure. We can only try to improve ourselves for the next year.

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