Tuesday, July 01, 2008

4 days until the wedding!

Wow, I am completely overwhelmed and shocked that the time is finally here! My brother and sister-in-law were the first guests to arrive, at 3:15 am on Sunday night/Monday morning. Their flight was delayed because of weather (maybe, you never know with the airlines these days). Anyway, they left for the Cape after a homemade breakfast with Brian on Monday morning. Now, they are in Chatham and they saw Harry Connick Jr. at dinner last night!

Mom is flying into Logan tonight and I can't wait to see her! Tomorrow is my last day at the job (I wish forever!) before the wedding. I will be there until 1:30 and then Mom and I will drive to Sandwich to meet Graham and Sarah. We'll have dinner and then pick up Abby at the airport on our way back into Marlborough! Paul will also be arriving tomorrow night; I am so excited to see my friends and family. It will remind me that people do love me and that I don't have to spend the rest of my life being treated like I am a pariah or simply ignored like I am at work.

I am officially a bride and I ought to be happy! Now is the time and the place! Here I am, almost Mrs. Koning, for all the world to see!


emily said...

sorry i won't be at the wedding, but best of luck! much love!

HerMajesty00 said...

Greta you will love love being married.!!!!!!!! Hope your day was beautiful.