I have always loved this song. If you've seen "Goodfellas,"(one of my fave movies) this song is played in the great scene where Henry Hill is walking his girl in to the Copacabana, by way of the kitchen. It is a really awesome scene.
Anyway, I am married now! We had a very busy week leading up to the ceremony. On the Sunday preceding the wedding, Graham and Sarah flew in early to go to Cape Cod for a babymoon (ie. their last vacation before the arrival of their baby girl in November). They stayed in Chatham and Provincetown and they had a great time. On Tuesday, my mom flew into Logan and on Wednesday, we met Sarah and Graham in Sandwich, Mass. (just over the bridge on Cape Cod) and visited the glass factory and had dinner at a lovely restaurant on the water. Mom and I had lobster mac-n-cheese (yum)! Also, mom bought me a very cute apron that is pink and has a picture of a cupcake on it! How appropriate! We went to pick up Abby but took a short detour first through the town of Hingham, Mass. (where Talbot's first opened) and Mom oooed and aaaahed at every lovely home on the Main street. We picked up Abby at Logan at 9 and then went back to the apartment in Marlborough. Paul and my dad also arrived that night, but we didn't see them until the next day. Brian, mom, and I met my dad for breakfast down the street, where he had an incident with a ketchup bottle. The rest of Thursday was spent with Mom, Abby, and Paul in downtown Boston, where we had a fun time on a harbor tour, visiting Harvard, and shopping at H & M. Unfortunately, because of a weather delay, it took us two hours to get back on the subway, but that was alright (except a little breakdown from me) :(.
Everyone arrived in Marlborough by Friday. Gretchen and Andy held a wonderful outdoor barbeque get-together in their backyard for our family and friends. Their house and yard are really lovely (Gretchen has abundant flower and vegetable gardens) and everyone really enjoyed themselves. On my last night as a single woman, I just hung out in my apartment with Abby, Paul, Brian, Sarah, and Keith. Fireworks were visible from our window and so we were able to watch them on the Fourth of July. I spent the night in Abby's room as a tradition that I am not supposed to see the groom before the wedding.
And we completely threw that tradition out the window because the Martha Mary Chapel was not open on the 4th of July. Therefore, we had to have the rehearsal the morning of the wedding. Previously, I had ominous dreams about the rehearsal, but everything worked out well. All the girls went to the salon to have their hair/makeup/nails done for the wedding. Originally, my hairstyle was supposed to be an updo, but after I saw Abby's hairstyle (hair down with curls), I loved it and decided to have my hair done that way. Besides, I can have an updo for the recpeption in August. This is one of the perks to having two wedding events.
The rest of the day seems like a blur to me. The wedding ceremony went very well. All the flowers were beautiful and the colors matched the dresses and the ties. The two readings by Eliot and Graham were sentimental and the hymn was lovely. There was a small hitch-- Mom forgot the copies of the hymns and had to drive back to the hotel and the ceremony started a little late. However, I don't think anyone noticed. I was a little nervous during the ceremony, too, and the justice of the peace had to tell me to breathe and relax. The groom was so devastatingly handsome; I was drunk on love. We took a lot of pictures in front of the chapel and the lovely gristmill on the property. Dinner was pretty good and the cupcakes were totally beautiful and delicious! I was so happy about the presentation.
As a surprise, Brian's mother made us a cross-stitched sampler that has our names and wedding date. It is really perfect for us and such a nice gift.
On July 6th, I was very sad that all the festivities were finished. We had a farewell breakfast at Nancy's Airfield Cafe in Stow (great food) and everyone departed their separate ways. Mom and I spent the rest of the day doing laundry, packing for our trips, eating Boston Market, and watching "The Other Boleyn Girl."
We're so glad we have August 2nd to look forward to!
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