Friday, June 13, 2008

We should have eloped...

This would have been the simple solution to the fact that we're having a very small ceremony in Mass. and a larger reception in Kentucky. If we had eloped, I would not feel so depressed about the guest list, myself, and the fact that we're spending some money on this ceremony. The city hall is right across the street; I could have put on pajamas or a white suit like Carrie in "Sex and the City" and walked over to do the deed. Oops, spoiler on SATC. This is a total sham. Yes, I will tell you the less than stellar things that are going on in my life. It isn't perfect and I will be the first one to admit that and quite bluntly, too.

And now I will go to work and finish reading "Anne of Green Gables" online. Hummmmph!

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