Saturday, November 28, 2009

Work Out Time

Yesterday, I decided to join a gym near my house. I haven't been to a gym since August. The gym is not the friendliest or cleanest place, but it serves a purpose for me. Although I won't be working out vigorously (there won't be any hard-core running or ab crunches), at least I'll have a warm place to walk and collect my thoughts. We live really close to a park and when the weather is nice, I walk there. Unfortunately, we have entered the point of no return (winter) at least until March, so there will be few walks at the park from now on.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Hotty Toddy?

On this Thanksgiving morn, I'm watching an episode of "True Life" on MTV. I'm also making pies with homemade pie crusts. This particular show is about being a Southern Belle and guess which college campus MTV decided to use? Ole Miss! However, watching the show gives me some not so nice memories of the South and of my days at my dear alma mater. Although I'm quite happy to have attended the school, I believe that I did not fit in most of the time and that the Southern Belle lifestyle was not one for me. I cannot believe I was even accepted into a sorority, even though they were lucky to have me (my 4.0's boosted their GPA tremendously). The truth is that I never aspired to be anything but myself. My coif was never perfect, my clothes were never the most stylish, and I just never cared to wear a lot of makeup. Although I did end up buying a Chi hair straightener, which has dramatically changed the life of my hair.

So although I was not exactly a pariah at Ole Miss, I definitely did not fit into the mold of Southern hospitality. My peers labeled me as "Northern" because I was from Louisville, Kentucky (imagine that!). I didn't listen to country music, I liked to read classic literature for fun, and I secretly contemplated voting for democratic candidates. Although I didn't actually do the latter until I moved to Massachusetts.

It's funny though, because here in New England, people think I'm particularly Southern, even if I don't have an accent. When I say y'all, pronounce the word Appalachian, or simply have some sort of charm to my personality, I'm automatically targeted as different. My blog's title comes from the irony that even though I'm Southern and live in the North, I really am not a Southern Belle.

If I went back to make a decision about where I went to college, I probably would've chosen a different school because I'm a capricious person. However, I'm glad I have some of the memories and I enjoyed living in the deep South for a few years. I've really had the best of both worlds.

Sunday, November 01, 2009

Let the river run, let all the dreamers wake the nation. Come, the new Jerusalem.

I can tell you that winter is just around the corner in this little part of the world called New England. However, the trees are rich in color and full in glory. The leaves will fall fast though.

To tell the truth, I've been in somewhat of a non-euphoric mood lately. Mostly, it has to with my job, which I enjoy, but it's a struggle being an aide when I really want to be in charge of a classroom. Sometimes I am (in charge of a classroom, for at least two periods a day), but I'm not getting the money or recognition that I deserve. Also, this year has been a battle with some of the kids I work with. However, I feel like you have some of kind of bullshit to deal with in every job, whether you are the low man on the totem pole or a high-ranking administrator (which I never, ever hope to be). So, I will learn to live with my situation for now and hopefully at some point in life, I will get what I deserve.

P.S. I will say this in the best possible way-- it is just not my destiny to work in special education. Of course, I admire those who do work in the field (and I can say honestly that I admire myself for working with this group of kids everyday), but I see so many issues with sped, that I couldn't deal with them from year to year without being completely honest and open, and then I would be fired. :)

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Jack's Birthday Cupcakes

I made these cupcakes for Jack Rutkiewicz's second birthday. He loved them!

Sunday, July 05, 2009

Happy Anniversary!

Yes, we've been officially married for one year now. I can't say it's been a fairy tale, because nothing ever is, but we do get along and we love each other very much. Of course, there have been quarrels, but no one's marriage is completely perfect. Except that Kat and Eric's is probably pretty close. :)

Brian is playing at Vinny T's this afternoon, which is an Italian restaurant on a lake in Shrewsbury, Mass. He and Keith have been playing in the outdoor seating area for a few months now. They make a good amount of money, get free drinks, and dinners. Plus, the food is excellent (Italian), and often, Brian and I split a dinner because the portions are huge! Anyway, even though they get a free dinner, Brian and I are going to the Wildwood for dinner, where we had our wedding dinner last year. We love the food there!

My cupcake project has been going alright. Yesterday, I made blueberry "cupcakes" from the cookbook, but they were really muffins. Blueberries are wicked cheap right now (about $1.50 a pint) and I've bought six pints in a week. I could eat blueberries all day long!

I don't have any pictures for this post, but Brian bought me a new camera, so I will have some soon.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Cupcakes celebrating Father's Day and the last day of school...

Today was the last day of school for the year, although it doesn't feel like it because I am working at a summer program for five weeks, and we have had rain for the last fourteen of sixteen days (it's absolutely ridiculous). Anyway, I should be more positive about the summer and my future, considering that I will be in a lovely wedding in Kentucky, my friend is letting me stay at his rental house in Cape May, NJ for a few nights for free, we're going to Cape Cod and Nantucket, and Brian and I are taking a first anniversary trip to one of my favorite places in the world, Bar Harbor, Maine.

Here are two different kinds of Martha cupcakes I have made so far this "summer."

Blackberry jam tea cakes with a citrus glaze (I used lemons, the recipe called for oranges)

Chocolate cupcakes I got off of the Martha Stewart website (sorry, not the book) and I had this great Wilton gel icing in rose. This totally reminded of a little girl's birthday party with a bright pink cake. :) Also, I love the peonys; we were able to acquire two vases of them after the wedding we attended on Saturday.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

A summer project...involving cupcakes, of course

The book, Martha Stewart's Cupcakes, recently came out on June 2nd and of course, I had a copy in my hands that very evening. Coincidentally, the movie, Julie and Julia, is also being released this August, where a woman in New York attempts to make all 524 of Julia Child's recipes in Mastering the Art of French Cooking in a single year. A mighty feat. Inspired by this, I decided to do something much less daunting. Every week for the rest of the summer, and possibly continuing into the school year, I will make a different cupcake recipe from Martha's book. Last week, I made roasted banana cupcakes (no frosting though) and today I made blackberry-jam cupcakes with a lemon glaze for father's day. Next week, I will make blueberries and cream cupcakes since blueberries are abundant and cheap right now. I'll post pictures soon.

Wednesday is the last day of school. :)