Sunday, March 09, 2008

Marlborough, what a town...

I just want to say thank you, Marlborough, for making life so pleasant.

By the way, I'm being sarcastic. I went out to my car this morning and saw that it, along with about four other random cars in the parking lot, was vandalized by graffiti. There were two words on my car, one beginning with an "f" and the other was just "u." I think you get the picture. On another car, 666 was scribbled, as well as peace signs, etc. I called the police right away and they came out and wrote out a report and took pictures of the vehicles.

There was a learning experience in this and that is graffiti is pretty easy to remove from your car if you remove it early. I was able to purchase a product at the hardware store and remove all the graffiti with a rag. Take that, scumbags of the world!

I know this may be just some other isolated incident, but I really don't like living in this town, especially in this part of town. We have about seven months left in our apartment and I cannot wait to move out of here. In fact, if this happens again, we're just moving out straight away. I'm tired of the parking situation, the noise, people smoking in the hallway, and now, most of all, random acts of vandalism.

Otherwise, we had two choir concerts this weekend that went very well. I received my new red shoes in the mail (which are beautiful) and hopefully, we will have a nice pizza for dinner. There are a few bright spots.

1 comment:

Kathryn said...

Greta, I saw you at Old Navy at the Summit on Friday. I didn't catch you before you left with your mom. I hope you had a good trip home!