Saturday, February 09, 2008

Conspiracy Theory

Some of Brian's friends are paleoconservatives and have some very different, radical ideas about our government. One of these friends loaned several DVD's to Brian this weekend, with topics such as the New World Order, the Federal Reserve Bank fraud, and 9/11 conspiracies. I'm not sure how widely circulated these videos are, but I never heard of them in the past, and they are very weird, although some of the evidence presented is quite damning to the U.S. Government. For example, one of the 9/11 conspiracies is about the way the WTC buildings fell, which was straight down and not sideways. Also, the impact of the plane alone could not have made the buildings fall, and both of these reasons, according to the video, may explain that there were deliberate explosives placed in the towers so that they would collapse in a controlled demolition, basically saying 9/11 was an inside job. I'm not saying that I wholly believe these theories, but it is something to think about, and the media can be such an influence to instill fear in everyone. Another video talked about the Federal Reserve System and the income tax, which are both apparently unconstitutional. I think I will still be paying my taxes and filing so that I can receive my nice return (even I've paid much more than the return, but whatever) this year, plus I don't have a wish to go to jail either.

These films scare me, because 1) I feel like I am treasonous to the United States for watching them, and 2)some parts of the films might even be true. I already feel like President Bush is a puppet with many masters pulling his strings, but I'm probably, and most definitely not alone in my feelings.

Anyway, we've had kind of a boring weekend other than having dinner at Tortilla Sam's in Worcester, an excellent Mexican restaurant, and visiting Jason and Geralyn in Worcester. I'm looking forward hopefully to the next few weeks, to looking at different school districts for the future, and to next weekend for our excursion to New Hampshire.

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