Thursday, February 21, 2008

Damn, y'all, that chicken broth was good...

I say this only because after eating jello all day and drinking apple juice and water at work yesterday, the chicken broth really did taste good!!

The procedure went well, no problems at all, except for the nurses (three of them) trying to find my vein because I was superdehydrated from the Golytely drink I had to consume. And I am anemic, but that is old news. Anyway, I came home, had real food-- a muffin, quiche, and ice cream (I know, not the best choices), took a nap, watched "The Queen" with Helen Mirren (rather good), and now we are about to go to the Longhorn Steakhouse for dinner. I love eating!!

I forgot to mention how much I enjoyed the last episode of "Project Runway," where the last five designers had to choose a work of art from three wings of the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York and create a modern design inspired by that same work of art. It was great! I love Jillian's clothes; they are fabulous! I like Christian's too, but I can't believe he won "Fan Favorite." I mean, he has a really cocky attitude, but he is an awesome designer, and so young, too.

I bought my plane ticket the other day to go home for my bridal shower and Easter. One way is Delta, so more sky miles for me. Also, on the way back, I am flying through La Guardia in New York. I've been there a few times, but I'm surprised it's the connecting airport. Oh well. New York, New York!!

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Good weekend

Yes, it was a good one. The weekend was so good that I didn't want to go back to work or return to normal weekday life. Friday started out okay, as I went to see the wonderful gastroenterologist. I'm not even sure if that is how to spell that word. Anyway, I've been wanting to go for a long time because I have some crazy digestion issues (I'll spare you the details) and I just wanted to have everything checked out while I have insurance. Anyway, I have to have a colonoscopy this Thursday, and I will spare those details as well, other than that tomorrow, I can only eat clear, non-solid food and drink (ginger ale, water, apple juice, jello, broth, etc.) and then I have to drink a gallon of this substance that sounds gross, however, it does have pineapple flavoring. I get to take the whole day off of work Thursday, but it really won't be a fun day (except that Brian has school vacation this week, and I can spend time with him). Anyway, I'm sure everything will be fine.

On Saturday, I went to the mall in Marlborough as well as Target. I bought a new black Kenneth Cole purse at Macy's with my leftover giftcard from Christmas and a button-down blue shirt-sleeved shirt, pants, and a pink sweater for mom from Ann Taylor Loft. I also had my rings cleaned at Hannoush Jewelers, where my engagement ring was purchased. Oh! My mom bought me blue topaz earrings at Zales in Louisville to go with my beautiful blue topaz ring. I have wanted them for a while and adore the earrings. At Target, I just bought the regular stuff, and then I came home. Brian and I went out to Keith and Sarah's in Spencer for dinner. They are both excellent cooks and the dinner consisted of baked cod, a broccoli-hybrid vegetable, and red skin potatoes. Also, their baby Jackson is growing up so fast! He is really cute and smiles incessantly.

I have started to go to yoga again on Sundays at nine am. This is my spiritual time, and I also like it because not too many people are at the gym on Sunday mornings. Weekday nights get too crowded if you go after six. I walked for about twenty-five minutes afterwards and felt great. Brian and I cleaned up and left for New Hampshire a little after 12:30. We stopped in this little town and split a sandwich, and then made our way up to North Country, U.S.A. I was totally amazed at all the snow they had!! Some of the snowbanks on the sides of the road were twice as tall as me. The White Mountains looked beautiful, swaddled in white with beautiful pines gracing their sides. However, we didn't get to see Mount Washington, which was a little disappointing. North Conway is a very cute town, which attracts tourists for all seasons. In the winter, there is skiing, tubing, and other winter activities; in the summer, there is the nearby Saco River to canoe and camping to be done (and we have!), and in the fall, there is foliage watching (yes, it is an activity). Anyway, we stayed at the lovely Farm River Bed and Breakfast, which was a few miles outside of town. It is an old farmhouse built in 1786, that has been converted to an inn. There are also stables and horseback riding, sleigh rides and wagon rides are offered. Unfortunately, we were not able to do any of these things. We should have left earlier. Our room had a fireplace and a wonderful jacuzzi bath. For dinner, we chose the Cafe Noche, which we went to in 2006 after the canoe trip on the Saco. Both Brian and I had fajitas (beef for him, shrimp and scallops for me). We went back to the hotel and I was pretty tired, so we read and went to sleep early. There were no televisions in the room (I kind of liked that) and there were lots of magazines and books to read, as well as games, hot cocoa, tea, and snacks downstairs. The innkeepers want their guests to feel at home, but I think they also want to recreate an old-fashioned ambience. On Monday morning, we had a delicious breakfast made right in the kitchen by the owners. It was raining, and since there was not much to do because of the weather, Brian and I departed and stopped at a few outlets in North Conway on the way out of town. Brian bought shoes at Bass and I bought a black cardigan, a wool hat, and some socks at J.Crew. Honestly, outlets are never really great deals. The trip was very pleasant though, and I wish we had been able to spend more time North Conway, but alas, we returned to Marlborough because the weather was just plain inclement. I went to a three-hour choir rehearsal (concerts on March 8 and 9th!) and came home.

Today, work was somewhat busy and I made crab quiche for dinner. Yay for jello and ginger ale all day tomorrow.

Saturday, February 09, 2008

Conspiracy Theory

Some of Brian's friends are paleoconservatives and have some very different, radical ideas about our government. One of these friends loaned several DVD's to Brian this weekend, with topics such as the New World Order, the Federal Reserve Bank fraud, and 9/11 conspiracies. I'm not sure how widely circulated these videos are, but I never heard of them in the past, and they are very weird, although some of the evidence presented is quite damning to the U.S. Government. For example, one of the 9/11 conspiracies is about the way the WTC buildings fell, which was straight down and not sideways. Also, the impact of the plane alone could not have made the buildings fall, and both of these reasons, according to the video, may explain that there were deliberate explosives placed in the towers so that they would collapse in a controlled demolition, basically saying 9/11 was an inside job. I'm not saying that I wholly believe these theories, but it is something to think about, and the media can be such an influence to instill fear in everyone. Another video talked about the Federal Reserve System and the income tax, which are both apparently unconstitutional. I think I will still be paying my taxes and filing so that I can receive my nice return (even I've paid much more than the return, but whatever) this year, plus I don't have a wish to go to jail either.

These films scare me, because 1) I feel like I am treasonous to the United States for watching them, and 2)some parts of the films might even be true. I already feel like President Bush is a puppet with many masters pulling his strings, but I'm probably, and most definitely not alone in my feelings.

Anyway, we've had kind of a boring weekend other than having dinner at Tortilla Sam's in Worcester, an excellent Mexican restaurant, and visiting Jason and Geralyn in Worcester. I'm looking forward hopefully to the next few weeks, to looking at different school districts for the future, and to next weekend for our excursion to New Hampshire.