Brian and I had a fun weekend, well, about as fun as I've had in a while. We stayed at home on Friday night and he cooked spaghetti for dinner. We were planning on going to see a movie, but it snowed, so we decided not to see "Pan's Labyrinth."
***I have to interrupt here because I just saw a preview for "Bridge to Terabithia" by Katherine Patterson, which is my favorite childhood book. The movie looks terrible, except that I really like Zooey Deschanel, who plays the teacher.***
Okay, back to reality. Anyway, I finally had a Saturday off at work and I woke up (still a little early) and watched Gilmore Girls Season 5 episodes, on DVD. And of course, I ate my kashi; I really love their cereal and pretty much all of their food. I went to the gym to walk on the treadmill for fifty minutes. I've been reading this book, "American Psycho," as of late, and frankly, even though I like some of it, much of the material is offensive and disgusting. It is very misogynistic and very graphically violent. The book, which was made into a movie in 2000 with Christian Bale, is about a yuppie Wall Street broker, who also happens to be serial killer. Very scary. Almost scarier than the actual crimes is the society he lives in, this uppercrust New York pre-Rudy Giuliani, which is very shallow and devoid of any kind of emotion. I'm almost done with the book and am looking forward to a more euphoric novel for my next project.
Saturday night, Brian and I went to Gretchen and Andy's house for dinner, where we had crab enchiladas and played an old board game called Outwageous, which is like Trivial Pursuit, but different. Then we went to Brian's friend Chris's house in Worcester for a small birthday party. The party was fun; Sarah and Keith were there, too. I watched SNL with Drew Barrymore and fell asleep for a minute. Brian also played trumpet upstairs in the studio with Chris and company.
Sunday, I got up kind of early, watched more Gilmore Girls and went to the gym to walk. My friend Gouri and I were supposed to go to the mall, but she works at H&R Block on the weekends and got tied up at work, so instead we are going tomorrow night. So, Brian suggested that we go to Stoughton to the huge IKEA store, which is like the coolest Swedish superstore for the home. Stoughton is like an hour southeast of Marlborough, and I've never been there in the past. The place was crazy! There were people directing traffic and a parking garage and everything. We didn't really buy too much--just some things for the kitchen and bathroom, and cinnamon rolls and lingonberry preserves from the Swedish foodmart. It was really a fun time, but the next time I go will probably be on a weekday. We got a little lost on the way back, and we ate leftovers for dinner and watched part of the Superbowl. Go Colts!
Yesterday, I worked; Mondays go by fast, which is wonderful. Except that we had this dumb meeting. I guess I'm glad that I stayed at BankNorth, but really, I need to find another job that makes me happy at some point. I miss working with Gouri, too. And I feel like I will never be trained for my new position.
I went to choir in Stow last night. It wasn't a bad rehearsal, but our concert is in five weeks and I hope we are ready! By the way, I love being an alto!
I only worked for four hours today, for comp time because I am working on Saturday. It wasn't bad at all and I went to the grocery store afterwards and bought food, Valentine's cards, etc. Then I came home and relaxed, read for a long time, and watched some TV.
Oh, I forgot to mention that I got a surprise gift from my friend Nora, who is Matt Lawson's girlfriend. I was awaiting my philosophy purchase and thought that was it, but then I got this package, which contains a book, a journal, notecards, bubble bath, tea, a bath towel, and chocolates. She is really sweet to send this to me. Anyway, I wish I had a friend like her here, because she is great to talk with and we have a lot in common.