Oh, the joys of spring have awakened the heart of New England! We've had some very beautiful days and some rainy ones, but the spring has overall been a nice one. Anyway, enough of my weather report. Today was such a nice Mother's Day, even though I couldn't spend this holiday with my own mother. However, she went to brunch with my brothers and tonight she is going to see Johnny Mathis with my grandad. The tickets were a gift from my brothers and me.
Brian and I spent the afternoon at Gretchen and Andy's house in Bolton, which some people might consider rural. They have a nice home and a spacious backyard, where Gretchen has both flower and vegetable gardens. The former occupants also built a barn for a few horses, which still stands on the property. We ate a delicious gourmet lunch of hotdogs, hamburgs, cole slaw, beans, etc. (I'm only kidding, but it was good) and I made yellow cake with homemade chocolate frosting. We played a few rounds of badminton, which was really fun! Brian and I gave Gretchen a few gifts-- two books, chocolates, and some sweet-smelling bars of soap. She is a great lady and I'm very happy that she will be my mother-in-law soon!
We've watched several movies lately, including one at the theatre. Here is my take on some of the flicks.
- "Cloverfield"- This movie had a weird, shaky-camera, Blair-witch effect going on that was not for the faint of stomach. Mothra and Godzilla (the older version) are much better!
- "Charlie Wilson's War"- I liked this movie and wish I had seen a few months ago. I think people needed to see some of the history of the current war we're in and although the arming of the Afghans was initially a good thing, it changed into something different, which Phillip Seymour Hoffman's character foreshadowed at the end. Tom Hanks tends to choose projects that are intelligent and usually nominated for lots of awards. Well, this is excluding "Bachelor Party" and "Bosom Buddies," but these were quite funny!
- "The Guardian"- Not worth your time or mine. This is Brian's direct quote-- "the movie went from bad to incredibly cheesy." And to ice the cake, the movie ended with a saccharine Bryan Adams tune. Although I did love the theme song to "The Three Musketeers" with Sting and Rod Stewart. The opposite of Tom Hanks, Kevin Costner does not really know how to choose a film project anymore (dare we mention "Waterworld" and "The Postman?"). Kelso cannot act in dramatic roles.
- "Walk Hard"- In progress, although it is quite funny, however, a little vulgar. It is Judd Apatow, so what can you expect?
- "Iron Man"- I now think Robert Downey Jr. is the sexiest man alive. The movie was a great fantasy flick. Gotta love Jeff Bridges, too, even as an evil CEO named Obadiah.
Yay for a four-day work week and going to PA on Thursday to visit Paul!
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