The weather has been so crazy here lately. It either rains or is really cloudy and cool. I mean, yesterday it was 55 degrees out for most of the day and cloudy. What the heck is going on?
I shouldn’t complain so much…so stop. Work has been slow; that is why I’m writing my blog on a word document at work. To pass the time and express the inner voice of my soul.
Last week, I went to see the movie “Knocked Up” and it really made me think about stuff, my life, etc. The movie was really funny though, and I loved Seth Rogen! He was cute and reminded me of Brian, in both good and bad ways. I feel like Brian is kind of irresponsible in many ways, and although I am very responsible most of the time, that just doesn’t cut it all the time. But Brian is very nice and never says an unkind word, and the main character is pretty much like that. I really want to have a family and everything, and I worry that I don’t have a good partner for that, who will contribute equally to the responsibility of raising a child or even two. I guess eventually, he will grow up, but he is already thirty, so…that is the reality of our situation. In conclusion, for me, the movie went way deeper than it was supposed to and it hit really close to home.
I’ve also been thinking a lot about my own health lately and picked up this book that my brother bought about a year ago called You are what You Eat by Dr. Gillian McKeith. It is really good because it tells you about different foods and how they will help you solve certain target issues, like bowel problems, skincare, etc. Although, it is very hard to accomplish all the things she recommends, because no one is perfect. In a single day, I can’t eat all the veggies and proteins and fruits that I am supposed to, and never can I ingest all the vitamins and minerals that I need to be healthy. But at least I can try. Another thing—good quality, healthy food is really expensive. Unhealthy food seems to always be cheaper. Plus, I am no gourmand, so cooking healthy food is not always simple either.
This weekend was okay. On Saturday, we didn’t do too much during the day because it rained. However, on Saturday night, we drove to New Haven, Connecticut, to see a free concert in a park in the middle of the city. The concert was a compilation of music from Spike Lee’s films, which were scored by Terrence Blanchard, Brian’s favorite trumpet player. Spike Lee was even there to introduce the show! Terrence, his quintet, and a small orchestra played the music from Inside Man, Malcolm X, When the Levees Broke ( a documentary about Hurricane Katrina), and other movies. It was really good and Terrence was amazing. Thankfully, it didn’t really rain or anything, but it was pretty cool outside. Prior to the concert, we stopped at Panera bread (yum) for dinner and Dick’s sporting goods to get new chairs for the concert and the beach next week (yay) as well as a new lantern. By the way, New Haven seemed like a nice place; there were a few rough spots, but for the most part, it was pretty and Yale University is there as well. We went into a cigar bar before the concert and met a nice couple from the area. It was the first time in a long time I’ve been into a bar where people were allowed to smoke. It wasn’t the best for me.
We were supposed to go to the aquarium in Boston on Sunday, but I was really irritated because the Riverside T-station, which we always use, is being repaired every weekend until the end of the summer. We could have taken a bus there, but I didn’t really want to, so we left and went to like the worst miniature golf course ever, but it was still fun. The course had all this gross water around that had tadpoles and algae in it and broken boards were all over the place. Brian didn’t have too much respect for the place and urinated by one of the holes. Yeah, I know…nice. Then we had a big lunch/dinner/lunner thing at Fireflys, this barbeque restaurant (not as good as KY barbeque; I love Mark’s feed store). A few hours later, I walked to Dairy Queen (it’s not very far at all) and got a chocolate cone with butterscotch. It was great.
Top Chef’s third season started last night. Of course, the local yokel from Mississippi was sent home first. He spoke with a really bad accent and talked about whiskey and he probably was smoking. Jerk. It makes me so indignant because they picked some southern trashy person with an awful accent to represent that state. I know plenty of intelligent folks in Mississippi and I mean it! This guy really misrepresented the state. The same thing happens to Kentucky all the time. We’re just the dumb, slow people who say y’all a lot, drink too much sweetened ice tea, and are obviously racist and ignorant. I’m really tired of that image.
I can’t wait for the beach next weekend; I just hope it is sunny and I that I don’t get a sunburn.
Resep Batagor | Cara Membuat Batagor
11 years ago
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