Tuesday, May 23, 2006

And the hardest part was letting go and not taking part...

I am worried that we don't really care for each other and are only together for convenience or companionship or something. Sometimes, I think about another person who I feel intellectually and spiritually drawn to, but am not exactly the most physically attracted to. But maybe I don't really know him. I love Brian, but lately with the combination of his crazy brother, his dirty house, and his apathetic and insouciant attitude, I don't know what to do. He's supposed to come with me this weekend for Graham's wedding, and he's like 8 am is too early to leave. This for a guy who isn't participating in anything this summer. Get off your lazy bum!! So, in essence, I don't know exactly what to do. And I may want to move to Brighton and have roommates, instead of living with Brian thirty or more minutes outside of Boston.

I am aware that there is something completely wrong with my digestive system, again, and I need to see a GI soon. It scares me because no matter what I eat now, I tend to feel sick in some way.

I have to take a shower and go to work now. I really ought to write in this every day.

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