Saturday, April 04, 2009

A former cupcake addict goes on Weight Watchers...

That is what I identified myself as at the first Weight Watchers meeting a week and a half ago-- "a cupcake addict." But I don't think that is completely true. The truth is that I am not necessarily addicted to eating cupcakes, I simply am addicted to the different designs and creativity associated with them. As most people know, I love going on different websites and blogs and getting new ideas and inspirations for cupcakes. Every little cupcake has the potential to become work of art, and often does. Also, I do like to sample them, once in a while. :)

So I have started Weight Watchers and today is officially day three (we weren't given the materials until the second meeting and therefore, could not start yet). I have been pretty good about this plan but also hungry. Maybe I'm not eating enough filling foods. Today was my splurge day-- for breakfast, I had a cup of kashi and a cup of soy milk, after the gym I had a ww lemon cake (1 point) and an apple, and for lunch we went out to a bbq place and I had a small garden salad with basically a tbsp. of dressing, baked beans (in a small cup, nice), and lean brisket. Yes, I will go over by the time the day ends, but I also have those extra points. Again, I want to reiterate that I do not have a bad self-image, but I just think I could be eating healthy and it would be nice to shed a few lbs. Weight Watchers is also changing my mentality on eating, which I also like. For example, I have to think about what I am eating and how it will affect me before I actually pick it up and gobble it down. This is really beneficial for life. Furthermore, I love how you could really eat anything you want and you're encouraged to eat lots of fruits and vegetables and other healthy, fresh foods. With some of the other weight loss enterprises, you have to buy their food and I heard it's really nasty, so I would never want to enter into one of their programs. And one of the best things about Weight Watchers is that my health insurance company gives me free coupons for twelve weeks, so I do not have to pay for a thing!!!

Here's to a healthier life!