It's been a little while since I last updated my journal. The last two weeks have been nice and kind of fun, too. March 29th was my last day at Banknorth and it wasn't so bad. The manager actually bought me a little cake, which I didn't eat. Too much cake lately with the decorating class anyway. The next day, I set out for Horsham, PA, to see Paul. I left at 11:30 in the am, and basically drove through the busiest part of the Eastern Seaboard (Boston to Philly via New York City). I caught a lot of traffic in New York and New Jersey, and the drive took me about seven hours. However, it was kind of neat to drive through Connecticut because I have never been there (and I thought about Gilmore Girls the whole time) and New York, where I crossed over the George Washington Bridge and saw the beautiful skyline of Manhattan. It is very cool to know that I live so close to New York, even though I haven't really been there since November 2005. Hopefully, Brian and I will be able to go this summer or in the fall. Anyway, when I got to Paul's, we went out to this seafood restaurant and then to see the movie "Reign over me," with Adam Sandler. It wasn't bad, just a little different than I expected and very sad. On Saturday, we went to the town where Paul teaches and saw his school and walked around the cute little town. It is right on the Delaware River and we also walked over the bridge to New Jersey. That afternoon, we went home, relaxed and watched most of "Marie Antoinette." I watched the rest of it later and I will say that it an exquisitely beautiful movie (for scenery, costumes, and the lovely desserts that shown, really), but it is a little short on content and a little slow as well. That night, we ate at this wonderful Italian restaurant where I had eggplant rolatine and it was so good. I ate far too much that night. We went to a bar afterwards and had a few drinks. On Sunday, we had brunch at a diner and then I left because I didn't want to get stuck in too much traffic. It was still crazy going home, but it took about an hour less. A couple of interesting things I learned on my trip: you cannot pump your own gas in New Jersey, you only pay a toll one way on the GW bridge, and there are some large towns in Connecticut. Oh, and the New Jersey Turnpike is purgatory!
By the way, Paul is a middle school social studies teacher and he is trying to convince me to take the teaching tests in Massachusetts so that I can become a history teacher. I would really like to become a teacher (I think), but have to be sure I'm going to live somewhere for a while before taking the tests. Also, I will eventually have to get my master's degree, which would be fine, because I want to go back to grad school someday, but probably not next fall.
I started my new job on April 2nd, and even from the first day I knew that it was nice. There were only four of us in the training class and they bought us lunch on the first day. I feel more like a valued individual here than at my previous bank. We had our training, which was the same as most other banks, but it seemed better. Plus, I already know the system they use, so that makes it more simple. I also met some really nice people, including another member service representative who is also new to the job. Her name is Sally and she works at another branch. She already invited Brian and me to one of kid's birthday party, so that is cool.
During the week, I went to my last cake class and made some very colorful cupcakes (I didn't take a picture), but I do have a picture of the Easter cake I made two weeks ago. It was delicious, until the cake molded because I forgot that I put whipping cream in the filling and forgot to refrigerate it. The picture was taken before this occurred.
This past weekend was fun. Brian and I ate at the beloved and fattening Friendly's, where I love the chicken strips and the reese's pieces sundaes. On Saturday, I went to the gym, and then we went to Spencer for Keith's thirtieth birthday. Brian's thirtieth is in a month. We stayed over at their house because on Easter Sunday, we participated in their church service. Brian got paid to play the trumpet, and I sang in the choir. After church, we tried to get lunch at Qdoba or Moe's (there isn't one very close to Marlborough, so I never go), but they were both closed because of Easter. Instead, we ate sushi. It reminded me of eating Chinese on Christmas. However, I'm glad a lot of places are closed. That afternoon, I decorated more cupcakes with the grass tip and made some very colorful treats. We took them over to Gretchen and Andy's (Brian's parents) and had a lovely ham dinner and an exciting game of Party! pictionary.
On Monday, I went to do more training at the St. Mary's main office and then went to choir. Tuesday, I went to the branch and went to the gym. The people at the branch seem nice. Several of them are foreign, which is cool. One is from Portugal, one is from Brazil, I'm not sure where the head teller is from, and the manager is from Ecuador. He is really nice and his wife is due to give birth next week. He really seems to care about his branch "team." We have instant messenger at work (only internally) and that is really different, but nice.
So, I have to work the next three Saturdays, but I have the two off in a row that I need in May, so that is fine.
I am so sick of the cold, rainy weather. I just want it to be warm so I can walk outside. And I can't wait to go to the beach!!
I guess April showers do bring May flowers, but they also bring sad feelings. Well, I'm happy, though; I just want sunshine on my shoulders.